Looking for a Spokane accident lawyer or attorney to assist you?

When talking with insurance companies, never use the term accident. There is no such thing as an accident, and insurance policies do not cover accidents. People are injured due to somebody’s negligence.


When reporting a claim or talking to the insurance company, it is important to advise the insurance adjuster that somebody was at fault, and that somebody did something or did not do something that they should have done. To advise an insurance adjuster that this was merely an accident is to give them an opportunity to deny your claim. People in general are not inclined to accuse others of negligence/fault.


This is what the insurance industry plays upon. Therefore, in reporting or filing an insurance claim, it is important that you explain the reason that the insurance company is responsible for the injuries involved. Should you ever inform the insurance agent or adjuster that you don’t know what happened or how you were injured, it may result in the denial of your claim. Not everyone knows the law.


Therefore, it is important that you contact an attorney before giving a written or oral statement to an insurance adjuster. Contact Bruce Kaiser today.


Bruce Kaiser
1201 N. Ash Street, Suite 200
Spokane, WA 99201

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